Old Town Malmen

The Old Town Malmen is the historic center of Pargas, an old place of commerse and a well-preserved wood-built town.

Gamla Malmen i Pargas.
The Old Town in Pargas

The Old Town together with the medieval church is a nationally important historic hertiage site. Welcome to familiarize yourself with this fascinating town, its rich history and historic buildings!

The first wooden buildings erected on the slope towards the beach were probably built by the men who churchbuilders in the 1200 and 1300 ‘s.

Pargas Gamla Malm ca. 1940.
Old Town ca. 1940.

The dense urban township is derived from the busy construction period of the late 18th century. Many of the buildings have been rebuilt and their appearances have changed.

The houses were originally erected by the shoreline.

One can still see examples of both small 18th century cottages side by side with 19th century urban wooden houses as you arestrolling through the “Malmen”.

Karta över Gamla Malmen i Pargas på 1770-talet.
Map of Pargas from the 1770s.
